Advanced Warning and Peace of Mind.
Our systems are designed to meet the highest industry standards and operational requirements.
Our team are experts in fire detection systems and will provide the full range of services, from design right through to installation and maintenance. Our state-of-the-art fire alarm systems include a range of high-performance devices, such as smoke detectors, heat detectors, and multi-sensor detectors, to ensure the earliest possible detection of fire.
These early warnings save lives by providing time for safe evacuation and reducing the risk of injury from smoke or burns. Fire alarms also minimise damage by alerting the fire department early, allowing for a quick response to contain the fire and prevent it from spreading to neighbouring buildings.
Know Your Responsibilities.
It is a legal requirement for all non-domestic and commercial properties to equip the building with fire detectors and fire alarms. It is also part of these requirements to ensure they are maintained appropriately, ready to activate in the event of a fire.
As the responsible person it is important to demonstrate you have acted with due diligence to source a competent provider for these works.
The type and category of system you require should be determined by a risk assessment and installed, commissioned and maintained in accordance with BS 5839-1 fire detection and fire alarm systems for non-residential buildings or BS 5839-6 for residential buildings.